Kami menjual Explosion Proof Lighting, Explosion Proof
Emergency Lamp, Explosion Proof LED Floodlight, Panel Box, Explosion Proof
Distributor untuk Jakarta-Indonesia
Jual Lampu Explosion
Proof Lampu LED Explosion Proof Lampu Jalan LED Explosion Proof Street Lamp LED
Explosion Proof Lampu Jalan Explosion Proof - Street Light Explosion Proof
Lampu Sorot LED Explosion Proof Lampu Sorot Explosion Proof Floodlight LED Explosion
Proof Floodlight Explosion Proof HPS - Metal Hilide Killark Floodlight 400W
Explosion Proof Lampu High Bay LED Explosion Proof Lampu Pendant Explosion
Proof Lampu Gantung Explosion Proof Lampu Pendant LED Explosion Proof Lampu
Pendant HPS 150W - 250W Explosion Proof Lampu Pendant Metal Hilide 150W - 250W
Explosion Proof Lampu TL Explosion Proof Lampu TL 2x18w-1x18w-2x36w-1x36w
Explosion Proof Lampu TL LED Explosion Proof Lampu TL LED Emergency Explosion
Proof Lampu Flourescent LED Explosion Proof LampuEmergency Flourescent LED
Explosion Proof Lampu Flourescent Explosion Proof Handlamp Explosion Proof
Working Lamp Explosion Proof Portable lamp Explosion Proof Portable Searching
lamp Explosion Proof Head Lamp Explosion Proof Lampu Senter Explosion Proof Lampu
Vessel Tank LED Explosion Proof Lampu Strobe Explosion Proof Rotary Lamp
Explosion Proof Exit Lamp LED Explosion Proof Emergency Lamp LED Explosion
Proof Caution Light, Exit Lamp, Emergency Lamp Explosion Proof Connector
Explosion Proof, Reducer Explosion Proof Reducer Explosion Proof Adaptor
Explosion Proof - Union Explosion Proof Bushing Explosion Proof Drain Breather
Explosion Proof Push Button Explosion Proof Cable Gland Stainless Steel Metric
Explosion Proof Cable Gland Stainless Steel NPT Explosion Proof Cable Gland
Armored Metric Explosion Proof Cable Gland Armoured - Non armored NPT Explosion
Proof Junction Box Stainless Steel SS316 Explosion Proof Junction Box GRP
Explosion Proof Junction Box Explosion Proof GRP Material Junction Box Explosion
Proof Alluminium Alloy Copper Free Junction Box Alluminium Alloy Explosion
Proof Junction Box Exd - Exe Explosion Proof BXT Warom Junction Box 4 Way - 4
Entries Explosion Proof Junction Box 3 Way - 3 Entries Explosion Proof Terminal
Box Exd - Exe Explosion Proof Terminal Box Explosion Proof Tdooz 4 Way - 4
Entries Explosion Proof Tdooz 3 Way - 3 Entries Explosion Proof Switch On - Off
Explosion Proof Saklar On - Off Explosion Proof Plug Socket Explosion Proof
Receptacle Explosion Proof Stop Kontak Explosion Proof Plug Socket GRP -
Alluminium Explosion Proof Receptacle GRP - Alluminium Explosion Proof Pilot
Lamp Explosion Proof Indicator Lamp Explosion Proof Push Button Explosion Proof
Emergency Push Button Explosion Proof Local Control Station Explosion Proof
Local Control Station GRP Explosion Proof Panel Motor Explosion Proof Panel
Motor Star Delta Exploison Proof Panel Start Motor Explosion Proof Panel Start
Motor DOL Explosion Proof Distribution Box Explosion Proof Panel Distribusi
Explosion Proof Pedestal Fan Explosion Proof Exhaust Fan Explosion Proof Blower
Fan Explosion Proof Ceiling Fan Explosion Proof Air conditioner Explosion Proof
- AC Explosion Proof Lampu Jalan LED Lampu Jalan LED Weather Proof Lampu Sorot
LED Weather Proof Lampu Sorot LED Qinsun Lampu TL LED - Flourescent LED Qinsun
Lampu TL LED Qinsun Lampu High Bay LED Qinsun Lampu Jalan Solar Panel Lampu
Jalan Solar Cell Solar Panel - Solar Cell Lampu Gantung LED Panel Distribusi
Explosion Proof ATS dan LBS Socomec COS Motorized 125 to 3200 Amp Earth Leakage
Circuit Breaker, ELCB SHSY Inverter Motor, Motor Inverter SHSY Junction Box
IP65, Panel Box GRP IP65 Stainless Steel Kabel Titanex H07RN-F Metering Digital
Socomec DIRIS A40 Digital Multi Meter Smartgen Genset Controller USB InterFace
Smartgen Battery Charger 24 Vdc Smartgen Genset Controller HGM 7220 Smartgen
Genset Controller HGM 420 Capasitor Bank - Panel Capacitor Bank Panel Start
Motor DOL dan Star Delta Panel COS dan LBS - Panel ATS Alat Safety Fire Alerm
Smoke Detector Safety Padlock Alarm Engkol Sirine Putar LK100 -LK120 Alarm
Manual Engkol Sirene
Jual Kabel NYFGBY
Sutrado Kabel Metal Prysmian Jakarta Indonesia
Kabel NYFGBY Sutrado
Kabel Metal Prysmian Jakarta
Jual Kabel NYFGBY
Sutrado Kabel Metal Prysmian Jakarta
Kabel NYFGBY Sutrado
Kabel Metal Prysmian Jakarta
Kabel NYFGBY Sutrado
Kabel Metal Prysmian
Kabel NYFGBY Sutrado
Kabel Metal Prysmian
Kabel NYFGBY Sutrado
Kabel Metal Prysmian
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = =
Kabel Metal Prysmian
Kabel NYFGBY Sutrado
Kabel Metal Prysmian
Kabel NYFGBY Sutrado
Kabel metal Prysmian
kabel NYFGBY Sutrado
Explosion Proof
Aceh - Medan - Riau -
Pekanbaru - Jambi - Palembang - Lampung - Cikarang - Bekasi - Cibubur - Depok -
Bogor - Sukabumi - Jakarta - Tangerang - Cikande - Serang - Cilegon - Bandung -
Kerawang - Cirebon - Cilacap - Semarang - Surabaya - Cepu - Banjarmasin -
Balikpapan - Samarinda - Makasar - Manado - Bitung - Sumbawa - Maluku - Papua -
Kami menjual
Explosion Proof Lighting, Explosion Proof Emergency Lamp, Explosion Proof LED
Floodlight, Panel Box, Explosion Proof Distributor untuk Jakarta-Indonesia
Sealing Fitting
Explosion Proof Jakarta Sealing Fiting Conduit Explosion-proof Sealing Fitting
Fitting ( Ex d)
Explosion Proof
Indonesia Jakarta Sealing Fitting
Stainless Steel NPT,
G type And Metric Type
Explosion protection
Can be used in
Zone 1 and Zone 2
Ex e structure, made
of plastic, black.
Single seal, suitable
for unarmored cable.
# # # Ready Stock # #
Flexible Explosion
Proof Stainless Steel, Flexible Explosion Proof Brass, Flexible Fitting
Explosion Proof SS
Flexible Explosion
Proof Stainless Steel, Flexible Explosion Proof Brass, Flexible Fitting
Explosion Proof SS
Flexible Explosion
Proof Stainless Steel, Flexible Explosion Proof Brass, Flexible Fitting
Explosion Proof SS
Flexible Explosion
Proof Stainless Steel, Flexible Explosion Proof Brass, Flexible Fitting
Explosion Proof SS
Our Product :
Lampu Flourescent
Explosion Proof, Hand Lamp Explosion Proof, Lampu Sorot Explosion Proof,
Caution Light Explosion Proof, Lampu Exit Explosion Proof, Lampu Sirine
Explosion Proof, Lampu Senter Explosion Proof.
Junction Box
Explosion Proof , Junction Box Stainless Steel Explosion Proof Panel Motor
Explosion Proof, Push Button Explosion Proof, Switch Explosion Proof, T-dooz
explosion Proof, Kabel Explosion Proof.
Fan Explosion Proof,
Ac Explosion Proof, Blower Explosion Proof, Motor Explosion Proof.
Explosion Proof
Aceh - Medan - Riau -
Pekanbaru - Jambi - Palembang - Lampung - Cikarang - Bekasi - Cibubur - Depok -
Bogor - Sukabumi - Jakarta - Tangerang - Cikande - Serang - Cilegon - Bandung -
Kerawang - Cirebon - Cilacap - Semarang - Surabaya - Cepu - Banjarmasin -
Balikpapan - Samarinda - Makasar - Manado - Bitung - Sumbawa - Maluku - Papua -
Panel Motor DOL-Star
Delta, Panel Distribusi, Panel ATS-AMF, Panel Capasitor, Panel Lighting, Panel
Switch Gear.
Breaker, LBS, ATS,
Smartgen Controller Module ATS & Synchrone, COS, Plug Socket, Socomec DIRIS
Digital Multi Meter CT, VT, Protection Relay, Fuse, Surge Arrester, Kabel
Lock Out Take Out,
Safety Padlock, Gas Detector, Alat Safety.
Aceh - Medan - Riau - Pekanbaru - Jambi - Padang - Batam - Palembang - Lampung - Cikarang - Bekasi - Cibubur - Cianjur - Subang -Garut - Tasikmalaya - Ciamis - Rangkasbitung - Pandeglang - Bekasi - Purwakarta - Majalengka - Indramayu - Tegal - Brebes - Pati - Demak - Blora - Rembang - Solo - Klaten - Yogyakarta - Wonogiri -Kudus - Madiun - Kediri - Bojonegoro - Nganjuk - Jepara - Mojokerto - Blitar - Malang - Sidoarjo - Pasuruan - Probolinggo - Situbondo - Denpasar - Bali - Poso - Madura - Kendari - Ambon - Pangkalan Bun - Tarakan - Palangkaraya - Pontianak - Magelang - Salatiga - Kebumen - Madura - Banjar - Bengkulu - Baturaja - Prabumulih - Muara Enim - Lubuk Linggau - Belitung - Kotabumi - Kalianda - Dumai - Merak - Pangkal Pinang - Kuningan - Palu - Depok - Bogor - Sukabumi - Jakarta - Tangerang - Cikande - Serang - Cilegon - Bandung - Kerawang - Cirebon - Cilacap - Semarang - Surabaya - Cepu - Banjarmasin - Balikpapan - Samarinda - Makasar - Manado - Bitung - Sumbawa - Maluku - Papua - Sorong - Jayapura - Dompu - Kupang - Lombok - Bima - Singaraja - Tabanan - dll
Sole Agent Indonesia :
Lampu Led Explosion Proof ATex Standart Eropa (INERIS-France) Qinsun.
Led Floodlight Explosion Proof - Pendant Light Explosion Proof - Street Light Explosion Proof - Exit Lamp Explosion Proof - Emergency Lamp Explosion Proof - Working Lamp Explosion Proof - Torch Light Explosion Proof - Head Lamp Qinsun Explosion Proof. Led Lampu Sorot Anti Ledak Gas Proof - Lampu Gantung High Bay Anti Ledak Gas Proof - Lampu Jalan Anti Ledak Gas Proof - Exit Lamp Anti Ledak Gas Proof - Emergency Lamp Anti Ledak Gas Proof - Working Lamp Anti Ledak Gas Proof - Lampu Senter Anti Ledak Gas Proof - Head Lamp Qinsun Anti Ledak Gas Proof.
CV Anugerah Maju Bersama
Qinsun Led Explosion Proof - Led Street Light - Solar Panel
Marketing Office :
Jl. Prabu Kiansantang
Komp. Grand Duta Ruko Amber I Blok A / 5 Tangerang
Telp : ( 021 ) 59368237 / 021 – 96659474 / 021 - 95589023
Fax : ( 021 ) 5533091
email : mail.cvamb@gmail.com
Call Us :
Hendra Sudrajat
HP : 081316651385 / 087885026367
Email : marketing1@amb-indonesia.co.id
Website : www.explosionproof-amb.com
Call Us :
Muhammad Taufik
HP : 081293353325 / 0877808334133
Email : tauhus06@gmail.com